Looking At The Reasons You Need To Maintain A Current Checking Account

Posted on: 29 June 2016

If you do not have a checking account, you may be missing on some great benefits of having one. Whether you just haven't gotten around to it or you have let the account you had auto-close from no activity, you should know that many aspects of your financial affairs can be a lot easier when you have a valid checking account. Check out these reasons why you need to have an up-to-date checking account. [Read More]

Three Business To Create With A Short Term Loan That Draw Cash Immediately

Posted on: 28 June 2016

Sometimes when you make an investment, you need it to pay off immediately. If you are unemployed and you are looking to start working for a paycheck right away, one of the things that you can consider doing is taking out a short term loan (from an outlet such as Advance U Cash) to start your own small business. Though the pay when you first start out may not be as high as working for a company, having the option for cash on hand now and growth later can make it a profitable venture. [Read More]

Tricks For Keeping A Down Payment For A Home When You Love To Shop

Posted on: 25 June 2016

If you have gone through credit counseling or financial guidance and you have determined that you are ready to purchase a home, the first step that you will need to take is to save a down payment. Depending on the size of your down payment, this amount of money may actually help you afford a house that would otherwise be outside of your range. Most traditional loans will require around 10% down on a home loan. [Read More]

Tips For Avoiding Chargebacks As An Ecommerce Merchant

Posted on: 23 June 2016

If you are a merchant that primarily sells your good online, you are likely accustomed to the sheer amount of credit card solutions and problems that you have to deal with on a daily basis. One of the most common problems that you might have to deal with is a chargeback, or what happens when a customer disputes a transaction on his or her credit card bill and the credit card company demands that you credit the cost back to the customer's account. [Read More]