3 Must Haves For A Successful Bail Bond Service

Posted on: 3 June 2016

A career in bail bond services can be rewarding and lucrative, but like many others it requires careful planning. The average bondsman is looking at bringing in a $20,000-$40,000 first-year salary. But with the right tools and by making the right preparations, that figure can easily exceed six figures. If you're thinking of heading down the bail bondsman career path, here are three things you need in order to be successful. Education [Read More]

Teaching Your Teenager About Financial Responsibility

Posted on: 2 June 2016

When it comes to being the parent of a teenager, there's plenty of things to worry about. From social networking and texting to hanging out with the wrong crowd, parents certainly have their hands full. One of the most important things your teenager should learn about is how to manage their own finances at an early age. The sooner they start, the better off they'll be when it comes time to live on their own and deal with things like credit scores and paying bills. [Read More]

Three Reasons Why You Should Use Cash Instead Of Collateral When Hiring A Bail Bondsperson

Posted on: 2 June 2016

If you are suddenly faced with having to rescue a family member from jail by using the services of a bail bondsperson, there are some things you should know first. First of all, you can secure bail bonds with cash or with collateral, such as an expensive car or your house. If you want to use collateral to secure a bail bond, you will sign a document attesting to the fact that you are using an item of value as the downpayment for the bail bond and the bail bondsperson's services. [Read More]

The Benefits Of Using Accredited Crowdfunders As An Investment

Posted on: 2 June 2016

Investors have often turned to crowdfunding in order to diversify their investment portfolios. Many financial advisers suggest that investors who want to add to their passive income sources partake in accredited crowdfunding platforms. Accredited crowdfunding is designed to protect both crowdfunders and investors from any problems while also fostering best practices for crowdfunding platforms. Accreditation is granted based on an interview and review process of individual platforms; they must meet the qualification criteria during a rigorous application process. [Read More]